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Excitement and Enthusiasm for Reform of the Country is high as Mountain Everest

We have lot of friends who have been working on Peace, Reconciliation and Development of the country all corners of the country. Mohamed Rajudeen  is one of them and we had engaged several struggles together on the same direction.
Comrade Rajudeen has circulated an interesting mail among friends and would like to share the same with you all. Because, this is one of the major thought and aspirations of majority Sri Lankans today. 
Here the mail of Rajudeen.

Dear Friends, Its time that we took proper stock of whats happening in the political scene/country -  just now and adjust our agendas accordingly for the good of all peace loving people.

Whats happening just now is beyond our imagination – almost a miracle. The two major political parties, who have alternatively, sabotaged the peace process/efforts have now come to terms and are about to embark on measures to make significant reforms to address the issues  that have been the root cause of many of our problems.

The defeat of the authoritarian government and the visit of Pope Francis has indeed been a great blessing to our country and the events that followed would bear witness. The appointment of former foreign secretary, veteran diplomat and  human rights activist – Mr. Palihakkara as the governor of the northern province should be applauded as a move in the right direction.

It is very urgent that we rally our forces to give the necessary impetus to the new government to  push their reforms through as fast as possible as its not sure how long this situation would last.

Mohamed Rajudeen/National Secretary – SCI-Sri Lanka.


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