Mads Barbesgaard of Afrika Kontankt hoghlighted the ocean grabbing. How
It happen and who involve in it globally, nationally and locally is important to identify. As the global wealth pyramid indicates 1./. Global population owns 41./. World wealth today.
Ocean Grabbing happens in many levels.
International level:
- trade and investment agreements
- UN Processes- Rio * 20
- International institutions
Regional level
- Intergovernmental institutions (Asean/ EU/ OAS)
- Regional banks (ADB/AFB/)
National level
- All manner of national policies
We need to know what are going on concretely:
Ocean grabbing taking place globally through WB program of Global Partnership of Oceans (GPO). They invest 1.5 billion USD to create Marine Protected Areas through changing fisheries policy in the country.
There are governments, CSOs, private sector and more engage in this process.
There are 56 environmental INGOs are engage and 27 countries engage in this GPO process.
Some CSOs like IUCN, WWF, Common Wealth Foundation, National Geographic, Walton Family, EDF and WB engage this work.
The major areas of engagements categorized as follows;
* Wild capture fisheries: Shock Doctrine.
* Aquaculture: Feed the world/ Export oriented growth
* All(Inland & Marine) : In the name of economic growth
We need to identify who are the key actors?
What are the power struggles and power base?
What are the solid structures to make it change?
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